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How To Shop more sustainably: The closet edition

Unfortunately, the fashion industry is one of those industries which relies heavily on the fast consumption of products, so it can be challenging to find 100 percent ethically and sustainably made garments and accessories. Prior to becoming a minimalist and learning about fair trade and eco fashion, I fell prey to consumptionism; I saw my clothing as disposable, and I purchased clothing frequently. It oftentimes wasn’t just one or two items either. This was partly from feeling like I had nothing to wear and partly because I had fallen for some new trend. And I was constantly disposing of items that just didn’t end up fitting right, suiting me, or holding up for more than a few washes. The slow fashion industry is growing as a response to many of these problems. Additionally, there is also a greater push for brands to think about creating systems of production and distribution which can be supported continuously in terms of their influence on the environment as well as society.

The fashion industry is still far from perfect, and it can be difficult finding slow fashion brands for every style especially when compared to the variety the fast fashion world offers.

Even so, I think that we can be more sustainable with our choices and still find ways to express ourselves.

So without further ado, here are some of my favorite tips for shopping more sustainably:

1) Purchase on demand or custom-made items

2) Purchase pieces that are of high quality & timeless design

3) Purchase items that are green & clean

4) Purchase items that are fair & ethical

5) Repair or redesign items you already have

6) Rent, loan, or swap for new items

7) Purchase secondhand & vintage

Ideally, all of these things should come into play. But, for me, it’s all about doing more, putting in the effort, not necessarily becoming completely sustainable and certainly not becoming so overnight.

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