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Hi there!


I'm Morgan, and I’m on a journey to living a simpler, more sustainable, and meaningful life.


Welcome to Sprezz and Sukha!


Sprezz comes from the Italian word, sprezzatura which refers to a "certain nonchalance," especially in terms of style, art, or literature.  


Similarly, Sukha is a Sanskrit word meaning lasting "ease," "happiness," or even "bliss." It is often used in yoga to remind one that, while one might strive for stability, strength, and flexibility in the poses, or asanas, one also must find comfort in the poses (as well as transitioning into them). And this, I have found, is the same as life.


Balance is required. 


If there is too much striving, there is no peace.


And, at times, life can be hard enough without all of the striving. 


Sprezz is the art of looking effortless. But, more importantly, Sukha is feeling effortless--feeling comfortable, content, happy. 


This blog is about both. 


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